
Сообщения за декабрь, 2020

us hospitals lists

When general population discuss modern medicine, precision plays one of the most significant roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The challenge today is that any recommendations of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being adequately verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this issue and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with corresponding scores h...

Metabolism of Breast Cancer Cells Exploited by Amino Acids

Researchers from Germany starved breast cancer cells of amino acids, including methionine, and exploited their dependency on the amino acid transporter SLC6A14. 3D Illustration of a chain of amino acids 3D Illustration of a chain of amino acids Cancerous tumors are greedy invaders. In order to sustain their signature high rate of growth, proliferation, and to increase their metabolic capacity, tumor cells demand more nutrients from the body, such as glucose and amino acids. One way that tumor cells elevate this intake of nutrients is by increasing the expression of genes that encode amino acid transporters. This knowledge provided new potential therapeutic targets for the authors of the cover paper for Oncotarget’s Vol 11, Issue #48. “Targeting tumor metabolism has been explored as a strategy to inhibit tumor growth and proliferation due to the elevated metabolic requirements of cancer cells compared to their normal counterparts [1].” Researchers from Germany organized the study, “...

us hospitals lists

When general population refer to modern medicine, precision plays one of the most important roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Likewise, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The issue today is that any outcomes of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being thoroughly checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this challenge and attempted to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That assists both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with respective scores above 100...

Downregulation of T-Box 15 Gene Found as Prognostic Biomarker of HCC

Hepatocellular carcinoma is considered rare, though, it is also the most common primary tumor of the liver. Fortunately, most patients do not suffer from symptoms in the earlier stages of this disease. However, patients diagnosed with late-stage hepatocellular carcinoma often present with symptoms caused by an underlying liver disease. “Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the sixth most prevalent human cancer and third-highest cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide, and its incidence is significantly increasing [1, 2].” Due to the high rate of post-treatment relapse and metastasis in HCC, researchers based out of Japan—from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences at Tokushima University, Kumamoto University, and Kyushu University Beppu Hospital—conducted a full genome analysis of DNA methylation in tumor and non-tumor tissues in samples of HCC in search of a new prognostic biomarker that could be used in clinical treatment. Houston hospital Phoenix hospital Philadelphia hospital D...

hospitals in us

When general population mention today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are directly dependent on it. Hence, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the top standards. The issue nowadays is that any results of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being properly verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this challenge and decided to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication. ” Oncotarget website has a complete publications list with corresponding scores higher than 100 as wel...

hospitals in us

When people refer to today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Likewise, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The issue nowadays is that any outcomes of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being adequately checked and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this problem and tried to come up with an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is related to Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with respective scores above 100 as well as...

Разрыв митохондрий и нарушение метаболической сети при гепатоцеллюлярной карциноме

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « Митохондриальное разобщение и нарушение метаболической сети при гепатоцеллюлярной карциноме », в котором сообщалось, что авторы изучали анти-ГЦК эффект FH535 и нового производного Y3 на пролиферацию, митохондриальную функцию и клеточный метаболизм, уделяя особое внимание трем ключевым факторам. субстраты, глутамин, глюкоза и жирные кислоты. FH535 и Y3 нарушают митохондриальный окислительно-восстановительный контроль в клетках HCC, что является результатом механизмов разобщения, которые увеличивают утечку протонов и снижают продукцию АТФ, что приводит к апоптозу. Разобщающие эффекты сульфонамидов в клетках HCC подтверждаются потерей активности метилированных аналогов. Эти сульфаниламиды, FH535 и Y3, нацелены на метаболизм глутамина и жирных кислот и вызывают перепрограммирование клеток HCC в сторону предпочтительного использования глюкозы и гликолитического пути. FH535 и Y3 продемонстрировали мощную анти-ГЦК активность, направленную на OXPHOS, увелич...

clinics in us

When people mention today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are required to meet the highest standards. The issue nowadays is that any recommendations of researches can be published online and used as a reference without being precisely verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this issue and tried to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That assists both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a full publications list with corresponding scores above 100 as w...

Oncotarget: цитогенетический и молекулярный ландшафт у латиноамериканских пациентов с CMML из Пуэрто-Рико

Oncotarget недавно опубликовал « Цитогенетический и молекулярный ландшафт и его потенциальное клиническое значение у латиноамериканских пациентов с CMML из Пуэрто-Рико », в котором сообщается, что с 2009 по 2018 год в их институте были диагностированы сто одиннадцать латиноамериканских пациентов с CMML из Пуэрто-Рико. Кариотипы были доступны у ста семи пациентов. По сравнению с ранее опубликованными данными, у латиноамериканских пациентов с CMML в этом исследовании были значительно более низкие показатели общих цитогенетических аномалий и трисомии 8. Среди ста одиннадцати латиноамериканских пациентов с CMML тесты миелоидного молекулярного профиля с 40 генами были выполнены у 56 пациентов с CMML. Предыдущие исследования показали, что мутировавшие ASXL1, DNMT3A, NRAS, RUNX1 и SETBP1 могут ассоциироваться с неблагоприятным прогнозом, а muTET2 / wtASXL1 может ассоциироваться с благоприятным прогнозом у пациентов с CMML. По сравнению с ранее опубликованными данными, у испаноязычных пац...

us hospitals lists

When public mention modern medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are directly dependent on it. Likewise, any researches related to medicine are required to comply with the highest standards. The issue nowadays is that any results of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being thoroughly checked and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this challenge and decided to generate an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality measure. That allows both readers and authors to validate publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a full publications list with corresponding scores above 100 as well as repor...

us hospitals lists

When public discuss modern medicine, precision plays one of the most crucial roles and people’s lives are directly dependent on it. Hereby, any researches related to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The problem today is that any outcomes of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being adequately verified and approved. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this challenge and decided to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The major principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That helps both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that generate “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website has a full publications list with respective scores above 100 as we...

us hospitals lists

Oncotarget опубликовал « Синергетическая и таргетная терапия с активатором прокаспазы-3 и темозоломидом увеличивает выживаемость на моделях глиомы на грызунах и может применяться для лечения пациентов со злокачественной глиомой собак », в которой изучали, может ли PAC-1 усиливать активность TMZ и может ли добавление Стандартное лечение PAC-1 возможно при спонтанных злокачественных глиомах собак . Они исследовали PAC-1 как отдельный агент и в комбинации с TMZ против клеток глиомы в культуре и на ортотопических моделях глиомы на грызунах. Трех собак со спонтанными глиомами лечили по аналогичному протоколу лечения глиобластомы человека с одновременным применением PAC-1. Прокаспаза-3 экспрессируется в глиомах, причем более высокая экспрессия генов коррелирует с увеличением степени злокачественности опухоли и ухудшением прогноза. PAC-1 цитотоксичен для клеток глиомы в культуре и активен в моделях ортотопической глиомы грызунов. PAC-1, добавленный к препаратам TMZ в культуре клеток, увел...

us clinics lists

When general population mention today’s medicine, accuracy plays one of the most important roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hereby, any researches pertaining to medicine are required to comply with the top standards. The issue nowadays is that any outcomes of researches can be posted online and used as a reference without being precisely verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget perfectly understood this issue and attempted to create an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal called “Oncotarget” has been founded back in 2010. The key principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That allows both readers and authors to verify publications with Altmetric Article Reports that provide “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website demonstrates a full publications list with corresponding scores above 10...

us hospitals lists

Oncotarget published "Epigenetic reprogramming and aberrant expression of PRAME are associated with increased metastatic risk in Class 1 and Class 2 uveal melanomas" which reported that In this study, we sought to define a threshold value for positive PRAME expression in a large dataset, identify factors associated with PRAME expression, evaluate the prognostic value of PRAME in Class 2 uveal melanomas, and determine whether PRAME expression is associated with aberrant hypomethylation of the PRAME promoter. Class 1 tumors were more likely to be PRAME-, whereas Class 2 tumors were more likely to be PRAME. In Class 1 tumors, PRAME expression was directly associated with SF3B1 mutations and inversely associated with EIF1AX mutations. PRAME expression was strongly associated with hypomethylation at 12 CpG sites near the PRAME promoter. Analyses were performed on 555 de-identified samples from Castle Biosciences, 123 samples from our center, and 80 samples from the TCGA. PRAME...

us hospitals lists

When general population mention contemporary medicine, accuracy plays one of the most significant roles and human lives are literally dependent on it. Hence, any researches pertaining to medicine are necessary to comply with the highest standards. The problem today is that any results of researches can be shared online and used as a reference without being thoroughly verified and validated. Mikhail (Misha) Blagosklonny of Oncotarget clearly understood this problem and decided to develop an alternative solution. That’s how a weekly oncology-focused research journal named “Oncotarget” has been established back in 2010. The main principle of this journal is based on Altmetric scores that are used as a quality indicator. That allows both readers and authors to quality-check publications with Altmetric Article Reports that create “real-time feedback containing data summary related to a particular publication". Oncotarget website provides a full publications list with respective sco...